02/09 Weekly Reflection

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What can Zebulun Pike teach us about Bible Prophecy? Find out from this morning’s message!
02/01 Weekly Reflection

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Teaser: In his late 80’s, Daniel distressingly prayed. Suddenly he peeked into another dimension. Find out what he saw in today’s message!
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon.
01/26 Weekly Reflection

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Daniel pleaded with God to answer his plea. What God revealed to Daniel took him way beyond his request and beyond his generation and beyond our generation. Find out more from this message!
01/19 Weekly Reflection

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When disaster descends on godless places, do we revel in God’s judgment? Daniel challenges us with a different way!
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon.
01/12 Weekly Reflection

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Last November, nearly half the country despaired over the election results, and they posted videos of weeping and cursing. Prior to the election nearly all the country feared the possible results. How can we get anchored in something more firm than the shifting sands of politics? Find out from this morning’s message!
12/29 Weekly Reflection

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A scandalous pregnancy revealed the sword of Damocles dangling over our heads. What can God do to rescue us? Find out this Sunday!
Click HERE for an article to accompany this weeks sermon!
12/22 Weekly Reflection

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What did Linus teach us about Christmas? Depends on if you heard the Angels speak to shepherds! Find out more from today’s message.
12/15 Weekly Reflection

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Can a baby give a gift? One Baby gave a gift that grows for a lifetime…if you receive it. What is it? Find out in Sunday’s message!
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon!
12/08 Weekly Reflection

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Jesus the toddler provoked a King, inspired foreign dignitaries and caused priests to yawn. What are we celebrating this Christmas? Find out from today’s passage!
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon!
12/01 Weekly Reflection

Sermon Teaser:
Jesus called us to become like children. Jesus lived what He called us to do. What do we learn from Jesus as a child? Find out in this message.
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon!
11/24 Weekly Reflection

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How do we live in the confusion & pain of our times and trust God’s sovereignty? Discover a lost secret from Daniel in today’s message.
11/17 Weekly Reflection

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How do we combat the world’s focus on power? We lament it. What?! Find out more from tomorrows passage.
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon!
11/10 Weekly Reflection

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What can a mosquito teach us about the anti Christ…or about us?
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon!
11/03 Weekly Reflection

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Are you feeling hopeless this political season? Maybe a nightmare will help you out! Find out this Sunday.
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon!
10/13 Weekly Reflection

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A disembodied Hand rocked an empire…and it just might rock your world! Find out more from today’s message.
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon!
10/06 Weekly Reflection

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Chopping down a tree teaches us something about changing a nation. Find out how from this morning’s message!
09/29 Weekly Reflection

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When the fire claims us, is God worth our lives? Find out in today’s message!
09/22 Weekly Reflection

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How does a boulder destroying a giant foretell our future? Find out from today’s message!
09/15 Weekly Reflection

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Facing death, Daniel is handed…a mystery? Find out more in this Sunday’s message!
Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s message.
09/08 Weekly Reflection

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How can we live for God in a hostile culture? Why should we? find out from Sunday’s passage!
09/01 Weekly Reflection

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A Riddle rivets our attention on what makes life worth living. Join us for today’s debate with Jesus!
08/25 Weekly Reflection

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It was a question crafted to destroy the one who answered. How Jesus answered summons us to carefully consider our money & our government.
08/04 Weekly Reflection

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Should we protest cultural mockery of our faith? Or should we remain silent? Jesus models a third way. Find out from this morning’s message.
07/28 Weekly Reflection

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Did Jesus inspire MeToo? Find out in this week’s message!
07/21 Weekly Reflection

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Does following Jesus contradict patriotism? Jesus’ hometown thought so! Find out what happened in today’s message. Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon.
07/14 Weekly Reflection

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What happened at 7:02 am on Dec 7, 1941 could happen to you! Hear this warning from Paul in Sunday’s message. Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon.
07/07 Weekly Reflection

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Why do we practice baptism? Who can and should be baptized? Find out from tomorrows message! Click HERE for an article to accompany this week’s sermon.
06/30 Weekly Reflection

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How do our relationships change the world? Find out in tomorrow’s message!
06/23 Weekly Reflection

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Is marriage a contract, or is something deeper going on? Find out from this morning’s passage!
Click HERE for a message to accompany this week’s sermon!
06/16 Weekly Reflection

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When things fall apart, how should live? Find out from this passage.
Click HERE for a message to accompany this week’s sermon!
06/09 Weekly Reflection

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Are you buried or discovered? Find out from this week’s message!
Click HERE for a message to accompany this week’s sermon!
06/02 Weekly Reflection

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Do you know who you are? Find out in this message.
Click HERE for a message to accompany this week’s sermon!